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Families In Transition

Staff member smiling at her computer

Families In Transition Coordinator: Angela Pooley

If you lose your home, you do not have to lose your school.

Assistance for APS Families In Transition

Assistance is available for Adrian Public School families with school age children living in the following situations:

  • living in shelters
  • living in motels
  • doubled up with family or friends due to lack of housing or income
  • living in campgrounds, cars, or other outside places.

Adrian Public Schools can help:

  • Enroll in school without the normal records required. The Home and School Liaison will help you locate lost records or get them from a previous school. You can enroll immediately while records are being located.
  • School of Origin can be maintained. This means that if you are in any of the above living situations, your child can stay in the school he or she attended before your living situation changed. We want to help you keep your child in one school for one year, if you choose. Remember: If you lose your home, you do not have to lose your school.
  • Transportation can be provided. Students in all of the above situations have the right to be transported to and from school.
  • School Supplies, clothes, free breakfast and lunch are all also available when you live in the above situations. Other referrals can also be made.

2020 Adrian Community Turkey Drive

"Together we can help hundreds in need." 

The Turkey drive will run from October 25, 2020 - November 20, 2020. We can once again make a big difference for Adrian Public School low-income families for Thanksgiving and beyond. The need is great this year as families have been greatly impacted by the global pandemic. Due to COVID, we will only be providing food coupons. Your donation will help provide student(s)/families a full turkey dinner at a local grocery store. 
Please make checks payable to Springbrook Middle School or donate online by using this link, here.
Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving Holiday!
Nate Parker, Angela Pooley, Jane Raab and Amy Johnson

-2021 Adrian Community Turkey Drive Flyer (.pdf)

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