Principal: Adam Benschoter
Assistant Principal: Jason Skeels
Assistant Principal: Stasi Soto
Administrative Assistant: Cindy Graham & Janee Clymer
School Hours: 7:35 AM - 2:24 PM
Doors Open for Breakfast: 7:15 AM
Half Day Early Release: 11:00 AM
2 Hour Delay Start: 9:35 AM
- 615 Springbrook Ave., Adrian MI 49221
- (517) 263-0543
- Fax: (517) 265-5984
Latest News
If you're interested in enrolling in Adrian Public Schools District, now is the time - Join the Adrian Maples Family Today! We are currently accepting Schools of Choice Applications. Please stop by your local school or call us to begin enrollment. We look forward to seeing you!
Springbrook Middle School English Language Arts teacher Mandi Esparza was recently recognized as one of Michigan’s top educators through the Detroit Red Wings’ Best in Class program...
Want to know more about all the amazing things going on at Springbrook Middle School? Well just read the report. The Brook Report.
Upcoming Events
School Newspaper
Click the above Icon for more information
Registration Information - Rather you are a new or returning student to Adrian Public Schools, you will find useful information and forms to streamline your students registration(s), right here.
Transitioning to 6th Grade - Incoming 6th graders, here is a informational site to help prepare your way to Springbrook Middle School. Please click here.
Maples RealTalk - We're here for you during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Need someone to vent to? Lonely? Bored? Anxious? Frustrated? We're here to help. We want to ensure each student has access to talk to a professional. For more information or schedule a time to speak with someone, please click here.
Springbrook Music Department Home Page - Click here: 6th Grade Music Registration for current 5th grade students, see what amazing options Springbrook Music Department has to offer.
Springbrook Middle School features two state of the art STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) labs where students are challenged with rigorous, engaging, and hands-on science curriculum.
Please see below for further information regarding Springbook Middle School and don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance in any way at (517) 263–0543, or by e-mail at abenschoteradrian.k12.mi.us.

Students at Springbrook Middle School are engaged in a challenging curricular program intended to prepare students for the next step at Adrian High School and to foster long term skills and attributes that will make them successful in their future.
We offer three different Project Lead the Way (PLTW) programs, two of which, every student in the building will take.
This hands-on, inquiry based program is designed around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) principles that allow students to apply their learning in real world situations and applications. Qualifying students may also enroll in an Advanced 8th Grade Science Program.
All students take two years of Spanish, gaining one high school credit. Acceleration and high school credit is also available for qualifying students in math and Introduction to Computer Sciences.
In addition to strong programs in the core academic areas, a wide array of opportunities are offered to students in the arts. Students may choose from offerings in the visual arts, choir, band or orchestra. Springbrook Middle School also offers excellent opportunities for students to participate in drama and stage performances.
Springbrook Middle School offers a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities including the Equations Team, National Junior Honors Society, and a wide range of interscholastic athletic opportunities.
Springbrook Middle School offers many options for additional student support and learning. Through collaboration with Communities in Schools we are able to offer tutoring services and provide an after school writing experience in collaboration with Adrian College.
Every day at Springbrook Middle School is an opportunity for students to grow and challenge themselves. We are dedicated to providing opportunities through which students can gain authentic self-esteem in a safe, yet challenging and rigorous learning environment. Through this environment, we hope to provide opportunities for students to realize their fullest potential.
These challenges, coupled with a student-centered approach to instruction, allow students to develop the academic skills and character traits necessary to become successful students at the high school level, as well as balanced, principled citizens who pursue their goals and dreams.
Parent and Student resources
Springbrook Middle School Parent-Student Handbook
Arrival & Departure
Students enter the building at 7:10 AM (during full and early-release half-days).
School starts at 7:35 AM.
The tardy bell rings at 7:35 AM.
School dismisses at 2:24 PM.
Half day dismissal is at 2:24 PM.
If your child is driven or walks to school, he should not arrive prior to 7:10 AM (even if they plan to have breakfast). If a bus should arrive prior to that time due to various route times, the administration will see that the students are properly supervised.
Every day at Springbrook Middle School is an opportunity for students to grow and challenge themselves. We are dedicated to providing opportunities through which students can gain authentic self-confidence in a safe, yet challenging and rigorous learning environment.
We appreciate the help of our community in providing outstanding learning opportunities for all students which empower them to realize their fullest potential. These opportunities, coupled with a student-centered approach to instruction, allow students to develop the academic skills and character traits necessary to become successful students at the high school level, as well as balanced, principled citizens as they pursue their goals and dreams.

PTO in Progress
We are forming a PTO at Springbrook!
Currently, Springbrook Middle School is in the process of forming a PTO for parents and teachers to communicate. The PTO will offer multiple programs for families who want to be more involved with school activities.
If you are interested in joining the PTO, please contact Principal Adam Benschoter at (517) 263–0543, or by e-mail at abenschoter@adrian.k12.mi.us.