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Field Trip Procedure

Field trips, which are integral to the instructional units and co-curricular experience, can contribute significant and valuable learning for students. A required Field Trip Consent and Emergency Form must be completed and given to the teacher before a student is allowed to participate.

Students planning on attending any Field Trips must have the following Form filled out prior to date of Trip
Field Trip Consent and Emergency Form (.pdf)

All content area and co-curricular field trips shall request voluntary contributions to defray the total cost of the field trip, including, but not limited to:

  • Any Registration Fee
  • Transportation Cost
  • Any Other Incidental Costs

All students shall have the opportunity to participate in all content area and co-curricular field trips regardless of contributions.

Exceptions to the foregoing shall be:

  • Music competitions and festivals sanctioned by the Michigan High School Band and Orchestra Association (MHSBOA) will be paid from music funds.
  • Transitional activities such as trips to the Tech Center, 5th graders to Springbrook Middle School, and music trips to the elementaries.
  • The monies collected at each school from student contributions, its PTO and other donors, shall be placed in that school’s student activity account. The cost of the field trips shall be withdrawn from the account to pay for the trips.




